Friday, 26 July 2013

Review : Face Mask With Quaker Oatmeal

Hallo !!!
Over the last few weeks, i have been on a mission to find something to fix my skin.
I am a big fan of face masks.
I haven't however, seemed to find the Quaker that creates miracles.

HAA?Quaker? Yaps Quaker !! Bcs i get this information from Grup #Facebook ..
surely i'm not the only one that seeks a lot in a face mask including Quaker,bcs many friend in Grup Fb try it but not post this information...hehe
So? i'll demonstrate by myself XD
 Me With Quaker Oatmeal (Before Mask)
This Quaker is only Rp.9700

  before applying the quaker ,you need to cleanse your face and sweep your bangs out of your face.
 well at least i look pale in this pict :3
WOHOOOO ! i just placed it on my face and left it there about 15 minute.
it was super clean and I LOVE IT SO MUCH !!

 and here are my Selca XD No make up,and very natural. Weird? x__x

The best face mask I have ever used! Quaker works perfectly on these occasions. Some of the other face masks are not ideal for me because they tighten and dry quite quickly. Quaker does not have this tighten and crumble aftermath. I also really like the smell bcs i want to eat this quaker XD . I can see how it may not be appealing to everyone but it has a really distinctive scent that I really enjoy. My skin has never looked better. I am 20 and I think it is never to early to take of your skin. Quaker may be listed as ideal for mature skin but I really think it's ideal for beautiful skin!

Thanks to read my post 

Saturday, 13 July 2013

Review : Hello my candy shoe !!

A few weeks ago I was introduced to adorable shoes in facebook. A company selling unique shoes. I'm so exited to view many collection about adorable project. :P

I am a huge fan of bright colours and of course love candy (pastel) colour .hehe .  I love my shoes so I was excited to try some out. The only problem is, I love all the candy colours?!!  so which one?. Decisions. Decisions.

Pink and tosca are the 2 fabulous colours to choose from. After imagining my outfits and which colour I would wear the most. I chose pink combination with orange. Orange who knew?!!

A AWWWWW !! this package has arrived at my house just 2days after im buying this shoe @onlineshop #adorableproject :*
Love This One <3 <3

Get warranty card for 7days . Emmm very nice right?

I love these shoes, they are so soft bright and very comfortable and I would go for a pair again. Very soon adorable Shoes are bringing out lots of new designs with some amazing patterns. As I am a big fan of candy colours I cant wait to see how these look. It will also be interesting to see the childish styles. Because i'll be look younger XD.  Check their site to see these new designs. ahhh please ill be wait ur new candy colours shoes  >//<

Thanks For Read My Post \(^.^)/

Monday, 8 July 2013

Review Loreal Excellence Cream Hair Colour

Hai selamat siang :D
Sekarang tepat pukul 13.58 Wib di semarang .
Emmm. khusus hari ini aku mau review cat rambut dari Loreal lho .
Kenapa sih harus Loreal? awalnya aku agak cuek sama yang namanya cat rambut dan bahan nya pun aku males perhatiin ( yang penting bisa punya rambut berwarna) setelah lamanya rambutku gonta2i warna dengan berbagai merk. Akhirnya rambutku jadi kering,apalagi sehabis keramas jadi males banget sisiran karena kusutnya itu lho :( . Tepat mulai dari 3 bulan yang lalu aku Hair Treatment rutin 2 minggu sekali karena udah nggak betah sama rambut keringku :( . Sebelum di Hair Treatment aku Toning di deket rumahku di Bekasi. Karena salon baru dan kata temanku harganya murah banget akhirnya aku mau kesana dan alhasil rambut sebelumku dark brown jadi hitam. Tapi kok abis di toning rambutku kayak sapu ijuk? :( . Dari situ aku mulai agak parno sama cat rambut apalagi (maaf) salon yang asal2an nge cat :( . Selama 3 bulan kemarin rambutku nggak aku cat sama sekali karena nggak boleh kena kimia sama sekali . Rambutku udah mulai halus selama Hair Treatment yang tadinya rontok jadi nggak rontok sama sekali. Setelah 3 bulan perawatan pake serum,masker dll akupun mulai ngerasa nggak betah sama rambutku yang warnanya kusam (mungkin karena cat nya luntur/efek perawatan) . Alhasil dari tanya2 salon langganan mereka recommended aku buat beli Loreal Excellence Cream Hair Colour karena mereka tau aku suka rambut berwarna yang kelihatan sehat dan glossy .

Akhirnya setelah aku menjelajah beauty store aku temuin warna kesukaanku yaitu "Dark Golden Copper" . Sebelumnya aku di toning jadi dengan warna ini salon langgananku jamin warna nya akan jadi dark brown :D 
Loreal Excellence Cream Hair Colour with Pro Keratin fungsinya biar rambutmu nggak kering,terlihat sehat juga dan harga nya pun cocok untuk kantong mahasiswi.hihihi . Di petunjuk nya pun cuma ada 3 step,step pertama rambutmu harus dikasih serum (serum ada dalam box) yang kedua dan ketiga step buat cat rambutmu :D (nggak terlalu tau karena salon yang nge cat)
Awalnya aku nggak begitu percaya kalau cuma dengan 1 box Loreal Excellence Cream Hair Colour bisa langsung Glossy rambutnya.Akhirnya aku nekat nanya dan dpt recommend dri spg nya kalo DiaRichesse dari Loreal bisa buat rambutnya terlihat mengkilat. Kebetulan DiaRichesse juga produk baru dari Loreal.
Karena aku sudah beli 1 box Loreal Excellence Cream Hair Colour jadi untuk Glossy nya cukup dengan DiaRichesse "CLEAR" aja . 
Kelihatan banget ya perbedaan nya? Before nya warna rambutku seperti itu karena udah kelamaan nggak di cat :D but afternya WOW @.@ aku aja nggak percaya bisa dapet warna kyk gitu . Sempet senyum2 sendiri sih,karena perjuanganku di salon selama 5 jam nggak sia-sia buat dapetin warna seperti yang aku pengen.
Ternyata tanpa DiaRichesse pun rambutmu bisa tetap terlihat glossy karena kandungan dari pro keratin yang membuat rambutmu terlihat sehat. Setelah 3 bulan ini aku mau cat lagi dengan warna baru pastinya dari Loreal juga :D .

Thanks For Read My Post ^.^
Xoxo. Uruki