Tuesday, 24 December 2013

[TIPS] How to Break Up With a Fake Friend

Hy guys.i just want to share with you about a fake friend..
hmm.yapss.you have a "friend" that is only being with you for a reason besides friendship, and you want to break it off with them. It'll take some time, but in the end you will be free of their false friendliness.i give u 5 steps for u. so lets check it out..

1. Find out why they're doing it. Are they trying to climb up the social chain? Trying to copy your homework/work? Using you to get to someone else? Trying to find out some information? Why are they faking the friendship with you? You can ask them straight out, or just snoop around until you put the pieces of the puzzle together.

2. After you find out, see if you can disassociate what they want from yourself. They might just leave you alone after they know they can't get anything from you. If it's homework, just say you won't let them copy you. Or if it's a group project that you did ALL (or most) of the work tell the teacher/boss they didn't do their share (go to the teacher/boss afterward if you don't want to seem like a snitch). Or if it's a person, keep contact with the person while the fake friend isn't around.

3. If you can't disassociate, distance yourself from the fake friend as much as possible. Try to avoid them, or if you have a near identical schedule stay away from them as much as possible. When they ask to hang out say "No" or "I'm busy", eventually they'll get the message. If they, don't straight out tell them you don't want to be friends with them anymore.

4. Try to get 1 or 2 (real) friends that know they're faking to join up with you. Not against them, but if they try to get one of you guys just say "Oh, I'm -insert excuse- with -real friend-", and the same for your friends, let them use you as the their excuse. If the fake friend tries to join you two on your fake plan say you guys just need some alone time to catch up with each other.

5. If all else fails, plain out tell them you don't want to be their friend because you know it's fake.

~this step from http://www.wikihow.com/Break-Up-With-a-Fake-Friend

thanks for reading ;)

Friday, 20 December 2013

[Review] Miomi Phantom Chocolate Softlens

Hello :P

Long time not writing review and its time to review something new !!
wohooo! this's my 1st time softlens review on my blog. n finally i found 1 product original from korea and it is Miomi Phantom Choco.

i think the diameter of lens small bcs 14,55mm ( many lens with up to 20mm @__@ ) but... 
TADAAAA... !!!! ( u can see me on my photo.. so lets check it out )

SPH: ±0.00
DIA: 14.5mm
COLOR: Chocolate
B.C: 8.6
W.C: 45%
♥ ♥ ♥ cute case ♥ ♥ ♥
this lenses is not very big but if use it can make you  like a doll :)

yay.u can see my eyes look different before and after use it. it makes my eyes look bigger than my original eyes.i think the diameter small but its big enough.okay lets start to love this lens with big diameter XD

love the color  ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ it looks natural and i don't find any problem with this lens. it was comfortable ♥ ♥ ♥

thanks for reading <3

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

[Review] Nutrafor White Beauty Suplemen

hmm. Semenjak aku pindah ke Semarang banyak yang bilang kulitku hitaman..
Terlebih pas pulang ke Bekasi dan berkunjung ke rumah temen di Tangerang.
Semua teman-temanku bilang aku hitam -____-
Hey? Siapa yang nggak akan shock saat kamu ke setiap sudut melangkah kamu dibilang menghitam? 
Yaa. kulit asliku tergolong kuning langsat..
Sempet bingung dan punya niat mau segala suntik putih :')
lebay banget ya?ehhehe. 

Akhirnya dengan jurus kepo ku, aku cari2 suplemen yang nggak bikin aku jadi "gendut" . Karena aku tipe orang yang gampang gendut dan susah kurus -__- .. yap. akhirnya aku ketemu sama grup yang ngebantu aku banget buat beli suplemen yang nggak gaje dan oke punya !! Mereka saranin aku buat beli " Nutrafor White Beauty" . 

Apa sih Nutrafor White Beauty?
-Nutrafor White Beauty yang diproduksi oleh PT Novell Pharmaceutical Laboratories adalah suplemen makanan yang dirancang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan nutrisi sehingga kulit menjadi lebih sehat. 

1. Mencerahkan
2. Mengencangkan
3. Melembabkan
4. Mengurangi garis halus dan flek hitam
5. Mengecilkan pori-pori
6. Mengurangi jerawat
7. Mengecilkan pori-pori
8. Melawan penuaan
9. Memperkuat rambut dan kuku
10.Tidak menyebabkan gemuk
Wow keren banget ya . Aku jadi nggak kepikiran buat suntik putih lagi deh.hehehe . Lagipula Nutrafor ini terbuat dari bahan2 alami juga .Nggak hanya kulit,rambut dan kukumu pun juga akan berubah jadi amazing bgt. Aman banget banget dibandingkan isu suntik putih yg bisa korbanin organku kyk kelainan ginjal dll >//< ahh takutt.

Oiya..nggak cuma perawatan dari luar juga tapi kita juga butuh perawatan dari dalam tubuh juga.
Di dalam box nutrafor kamu akan dapat beberapa brosur yang menjelaskan semua tentang nutrafor white beauty secara komplit banget.

 Dengan Rp.160.000 (harga beli di century MM bekasi ) aku udah dapat 30 tablet nutrafor white beauty. Very cheap than nourish skin right?

Aturan pakai :
 2x sehari 2 kapsul untuk bulan pertama.
 2x sehari 1 kapsul untuk bulan berikutnya

Produk ini juga udah terdaftar di POM loh jadi nggak perlu khawatir nggak aman ^_^

YAY !! setelah minum nutrafor ini kulitku jadi cerah ,halus dan lembab. kuku dan rambut juga jadi kece badaiii . hehhe .. ok banget deh jadi suka banding2in kulitku sama temen2 kampus #plak.
Nutrafor ini suplemen makanan jadi kamu nggak perlu khawatir untuk minum vitamin ini . sama seperti kita suka minum vitamin C, vitamin B, kalsium, dll yang berfungsi untuk menjaga tubuh agar tetap sehat. Kulit juga butuh vitamin loh^^ 

Hayooo? masih berani bilang aku hitaman? :P

Monday, 11 November 2013

Review : Etude House Baking Powder Pore Cleansing Foam.

Heyoooo heyoo !! :D
I have another Etude House product review for you! After used ac clinic foam and now i try to used etude house baking powder pore cleansing foam.
Ac clinic foam is also a great product but thanks for ac clinic bcs i haven't problem with my skin now :) I just  wanted to try a same product because i love korean product very much <3 .

I finally took out my baking powder cleanser from my Etude House gift set.
I have a 30ml tester of baking powder goodness that is very travel friendly. The first time I used it I felt really good about it. No breakouts whatsoever.
I really felt like my face is clean and it felt smooth.

The cleansing foam has tiny scrubs that melt easily on the face. I guess this is the baking powder that deeply removes dirt, makeups and oil on skin.It smells good too!.
 I will definitely buy the big tube for myself ;)
  I'm really love this cleansing foam right now not because I love Etude House but it really really works!
Thank you :*

Review : Etude House Drawing Eyebrow Pencil

Hello everyone! 
Time for an eyebrow pencil review.
yuhuuu The Etude House Drawing Eyebrow Pencil :D
i buy it from online shop in facebook.
For Rp.31.000 - Sooooooooooooooooo cheapppp :D

I have dark brown hair so I use dark brown eyebrow. next time i want to experiment with black eyebrow pencil shades! But i think black was faaaaar too bold & scary  -___-

But dark brown however is perfect & matches .
It's a perfect natural, clean shade for me~❤

-Great pigmention
-Simple and compact
- Got a spoolie  brush


-Not Colorstay


Despite the fact it's not smudgeproof, it will be safe for you not to rub your eyebrows.
It's very worth to try, a must have & a must buy...
Will repurchase and try another color.


Review : Innisfree Tapping Lip Concealer

Hello !!
i would write a review about the ones i use .
Yap. i'm gonna talk about innisfree tapping lip concealer. :D
I often don’t use lip concealers when applying lipstick since I usually wear some form of lip balm or tint from etude house. i love korean product. emmm,after trying out this lip concealer I still remain indifferent. The formula is creamy, unscented, and can double as a regular concealer. The only real difference that the concealer provides is that it gives more pigment to lipstick, however it does nothing to prolong the life of the lipstick since you still need to reapply if it gets smeared from eating/drinking etc but it does keep your lipstick in place. I also tested this lip concealer under a lip tint and the tint is much more long lasting without the lip concealer, in fact it makes the lip tint easier to remove! So don’t use this under a lip tint. All in all it does it's job. I advise using this lip concealer under something like lip gloss which are usually lightly pigmented and can often run or use it to make lipstick more vibrant. but i dont like lip gloss or something except lip tint. because i think lip tint look natural than lip gloss,lipstick or etc.

innisfree's products is that they come wrapped in recycled paper and that they use soy ink to print their packaging and  also don't follow the trend of cute packaging over content .
 They only really give you the korean information on the packaging.

Don't be fooled either by how big this little jar looks like in the photos! It contains 3,5g of product and it fits into every travel sized make up bag. :) It's actually not that much bigger than a coin. 

So as you can see, the concealer does a really good job on my lips. :) 

did not dry my lips out at all! They felt really silky and smooth after applying the concealer, even though I did not put any lip balm on beforehand. :)
Staying Power:
I think that depends on the lipstick you apply over it. 
Really good coverage
Nice moisturizing effect
Nice amount of product for a small price
Eco friendly packaging
Not very hygenic

 - E.F

Friday, 25 October 2013

Review : Ac Clinic Trial Kit From Etude House

Hi dear ..

sorry for my late post.
after been absense for 1 month maybe x(
now im back bringing some review about acne treatment product from etude house.
yay. we would be featuring the ac clinic trial kit range for troubled skin.
i have read many positif review about ac clinic from etude house in social media.
so i bought the trial kit to try it and hope can drag my acne away from my weird face. haha
i was almost hopeless for getting never ending acne since 3 month ago. im just scared to try
some product bcs fake product nothing worked for ur skin.
Actually I hate to write review for product that is not working on me, but if I don’t post it,
I don’t feel fair. I want my readers to know my opinion about every product I tried and tested.

No product made me satisfied. So i didnt have high expectation for this product but
its still worth to try since etude house never failed me *kisses and hugs

I tested Etude AC Clinic TRIAL Kit started from 19 oct 2013
until now. And now I’m gonna tell u about my experience.

this my lovely trial kit.hehe

 I used all products in this kit together, because I wanted to achieve maximum result.
  The Trial Kit comes in a travel-friendly, clear plastic bag and contains the following five (5) products:
AC Clinic Daily Acne Foam Cleanser (30ml)
AC Clinic Daily Toner (25ml)
AC Clinic Daily Gel Lotion (25ml)
AC Clinic Intense Pink Powder Spot (5ml) + 10 Cotton Swabs
AC Clinic Intense sun bb cream

Till now I like the Trial Kit. It's nice for travelling or if you just wanna try out the
products before buying a full size.

and A AW !! this my face before and after used ac clinic.

u can see my face .this before use ac clinic. dark and bad skin -__-

yap this after used ac clinic from etude house. TADAAAA !!! better than before :*
I'm going to continue using this product until it all runs out & decided to buy this product again or not...later!

i give u my photo with my natural make up after used bb cream from ac clinic trial kit. okay dont go toilet ,i'll kill you there !! hahaha #joke

Thanks for reading ^.^

Friday, 26 July 2013

Review : Face Mask With Quaker Oatmeal

Hallo !!!
Over the last few weeks, i have been on a mission to find something to fix my skin.
I am a big fan of face masks.
I haven't however, seemed to find the Quaker that creates miracles.

HAA?Quaker? Yaps Quaker !! Bcs i get this information from Grup #Facebook ..
surely i'm not the only one that seeks a lot in a face mask including Quaker,bcs many friend in Grup Fb try it but not post this information...hehe
So? i'll demonstrate by myself XD
 Me With Quaker Oatmeal (Before Mask)
This Quaker is only Rp.9700

  before applying the quaker ,you need to cleanse your face and sweep your bangs out of your face.
 well at least i look pale in this pict :3
WOHOOOO ! i just placed it on my face and left it there about 15 minute.
it was super clean and I LOVE IT SO MUCH !!

 and here are my Selca XD No make up,and very natural. Weird? x__x

The best face mask I have ever used! Quaker works perfectly on these occasions. Some of the other face masks are not ideal for me because they tighten and dry quite quickly. Quaker does not have this tighten and crumble aftermath. I also really like the smell bcs i want to eat this quaker XD . I can see how it may not be appealing to everyone but it has a really distinctive scent that I really enjoy. My skin has never looked better. I am 20 and I think it is never to early to take of your skin. Quaker may be listed as ideal for mature skin but I really think it's ideal for beautiful skin!

Thanks to read my post 

Saturday, 13 July 2013

Review : Hello my candy shoe !!

A few weeks ago I was introduced to adorable shoes in facebook. A company selling unique shoes. I'm so exited to view many collection about adorable project. :P

I am a huge fan of bright colours and of course love candy (pastel) colour .hehe .  I love my shoes so I was excited to try some out. The only problem is, I love all the candy colours?!!  so which one?. Decisions. Decisions.

Pink and tosca are the 2 fabulous colours to choose from. After imagining my outfits and which colour I would wear the most. I chose pink combination with orange. Orange who knew?!!

A AWWWWW !! this package has arrived at my house just 2days after im buying this shoe @onlineshop #adorableproject :*
Love This One <3 <3

Get warranty card for 7days . Emmm very nice right?

I love these shoes, they are so soft bright and very comfortable and I would go for a pair again. Very soon adorable Shoes are bringing out lots of new designs with some amazing patterns. As I am a big fan of candy colours I cant wait to see how these look. It will also be interesting to see the childish styles. Because i'll be look younger XD.  Check their site to see these new designs. ahhh please ill be wait ur new candy colours shoes  >//<

Thanks For Read My Post \(^.^)/

Monday, 8 July 2013

Review Loreal Excellence Cream Hair Colour

Hai selamat siang :D
Sekarang tepat pukul 13.58 Wib di semarang .
Emmm. khusus hari ini aku mau review cat rambut dari Loreal lho .
Kenapa sih harus Loreal? awalnya aku agak cuek sama yang namanya cat rambut dan bahan nya pun aku males perhatiin ( yang penting bisa punya rambut berwarna) setelah lamanya rambutku gonta2i warna dengan berbagai merk. Akhirnya rambutku jadi kering,apalagi sehabis keramas jadi males banget sisiran karena kusutnya itu lho :( . Tepat mulai dari 3 bulan yang lalu aku Hair Treatment rutin 2 minggu sekali karena udah nggak betah sama rambut keringku :( . Sebelum di Hair Treatment aku Toning di deket rumahku di Bekasi. Karena salon baru dan kata temanku harganya murah banget akhirnya aku mau kesana dan alhasil rambut sebelumku dark brown jadi hitam. Tapi kok abis di toning rambutku kayak sapu ijuk? :( . Dari situ aku mulai agak parno sama cat rambut apalagi (maaf) salon yang asal2an nge cat :( . Selama 3 bulan kemarin rambutku nggak aku cat sama sekali karena nggak boleh kena kimia sama sekali . Rambutku udah mulai halus selama Hair Treatment yang tadinya rontok jadi nggak rontok sama sekali. Setelah 3 bulan perawatan pake serum,masker dll akupun mulai ngerasa nggak betah sama rambutku yang warnanya kusam (mungkin karena cat nya luntur/efek perawatan) . Alhasil dari tanya2 salon langganan mereka recommended aku buat beli Loreal Excellence Cream Hair Colour karena mereka tau aku suka rambut berwarna yang kelihatan sehat dan glossy .

Akhirnya setelah aku menjelajah beauty store aku temuin warna kesukaanku yaitu "Dark Golden Copper" . Sebelumnya aku di toning jadi dengan warna ini salon langgananku jamin warna nya akan jadi dark brown :D 
Loreal Excellence Cream Hair Colour with Pro Keratin fungsinya biar rambutmu nggak kering,terlihat sehat juga dan harga nya pun cocok untuk kantong mahasiswi.hihihi . Di petunjuk nya pun cuma ada 3 step,step pertama rambutmu harus dikasih serum (serum ada dalam box) yang kedua dan ketiga step buat cat rambutmu :D (nggak terlalu tau karena salon yang nge cat)
Awalnya aku nggak begitu percaya kalau cuma dengan 1 box Loreal Excellence Cream Hair Colour bisa langsung Glossy rambutnya.Akhirnya aku nekat nanya dan dpt recommend dri spg nya kalo DiaRichesse dari Loreal bisa buat rambutnya terlihat mengkilat. Kebetulan DiaRichesse juga produk baru dari Loreal.
Karena aku sudah beli 1 box Loreal Excellence Cream Hair Colour jadi untuk Glossy nya cukup dengan DiaRichesse "CLEAR" aja . 
Kelihatan banget ya perbedaan nya? Before nya warna rambutku seperti itu karena udah kelamaan nggak di cat :D but afternya WOW @.@ aku aja nggak percaya bisa dapet warna kyk gitu . Sempet senyum2 sendiri sih,karena perjuanganku di salon selama 5 jam nggak sia-sia buat dapetin warna seperti yang aku pengen.
Ternyata tanpa DiaRichesse pun rambutmu bisa tetap terlihat glossy karena kandungan dari pro keratin yang membuat rambutmu terlihat sehat. Setelah 3 bulan ini aku mau cat lagi dengan warna baru pastinya dari Loreal juga :D .

Thanks For Read My Post ^.^
Xoxo. Uruki